Pension Board
Thursday, 7 November 2024
2.00 pm Remote Meeting via Microsoft Teams
Please Note That This Meeting Will Be Taking Place Remotely
Ray Martin (Chair) Trevor Redmond, Zoe O'Sullivan, Neil Simpson, Councillor Andrew Wilson, Nigel Manvell and Linda Hughes
1. |
Minutes of the meeting of 11 September 2024 (Pages 3 - 14)
2. |
Apologies for absence
3. |
Disclosure of interests
4. |
Urgent items Notification of any items which the Chair considers urgent and proposes to take at the appropriate part of the agenda.
5. |
Pension Committee Agenda (Pages 15 - 18)
6. |
Governance Report (Pages 19 - 38)
7. |
Employer Engagement and Communications Report (Pages 39 - 42)
8. |
Pensions Administration Report (Pages 43 - 56)
9. |
East Sussex Pension Fund Quarterly Budget report (Pages 57 - 60)
10. |
Annual Report and Accounts Report (Pages 61 - 240)
11. |
Annual Training Plan (Pages 241 - 246)
12. |
Pension Fund Risk Register (Pages 247 - 258)
13. |
Work Programme (Pages 259 - 276)
14. |
Any other non-exempt items previously notified under agenda item 4
15. |
Exclusion of the public and press To consider excluding the public and press from the meeting for the remaining agenda item on the grounds that if the public and press were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information as specified in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), namely information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
16. |
Governance Report - exempt (Pages 277 - 282)
17. |
Pension Fund Breaches Log (Pages 283 - 286)
18. |
Employer Admissions and Cessations Report (Pages 287 - 306)
19. |
Any other exempt items previously notified under agenda item 4
Deputy Chief Executive
County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent
LEWES BN7 1UE 30 October 2024
Contact Georgina Seligmann, Governance and Democracy Manager
01273 482355
NOTE: As part of the County Council’s drive to increase accessibility to its public meetings, this meeting will be broadcast live on its website. The live broadcast is accessible at: